Wednesday, December 29, 2010


What are your new year's resolutions?

Every year we make a specific resolution that probably makes it through the first month or two (ok, maybe that's just me).  This is what I want.  No, this is what I NEED:  I need to live a healthier, more balanced life.  Do I need to lose weight?  Sure!  Do I need to eat more vegetables?  Yes, ma'am!  But what about just living life?  What about PAYING ATTENTION?  Listening to my body ... more exercise, better nutrition, better energy balancing, more attention to the earth.  These are not resolutions.  These are lifestyle changes.  So here are all of the things I want my life to look like.  If I can make a step in each direction, I should feel good:

- Eat more local foods
- Eat more vegetables than protein
- Start composting
- Connect with the earth at least once a week
- An exercise plan that includes aerobic activity, flexibility, strength, and FUN
- Meditation, starting with 5-10 minutes per day
- Self-reiki and eventually to help others
- Being a better friend
- Keeping in touch with those that are important to me
- More natural remedies for health
- More natural cleaning products for my home
- Learn about supplements that I need for my body
- Start my path as an herbalist and a healer

And I am leaving this blog open - I may edit it at any time and add more things : )

I am working my way ... towards a more Serene Life.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I know it's been a long time since my last blog.  I am counting down the long and arduous internship that started at the end of August.  While my activity has improved at work, my extra curricular physical activity has come to somewhat of a standstill.  I have no excuse.  It's vital to my health, both physical and mental.

Sooooo .... here's my question .... Im not much of a fan of being cold.  So here I am just after a snowstorm, and there is no way I want to frolick outside.  What can I do during the winter to keep wellness a balanced part of my life?  Exercise, nutrition, alternative modalities - how do I incorporate them during these "white stuff" months?