Fall Gardening
So I am trying to fit in my garden clean up amidst all of my fall and Halloween fun. I have to pull out some of the veggie plants and annuals (looking pretty brown).
Other than that, I need to know what to do. Do I fertilize the garden? Do I do the lawn as well? Should I put all of the leaves in the garden for protection? The only thing about that is it's a pain in the butt in the spring to carefully rake them out while the tender spring flowers are coming up. I've muttered several non-ladylike words after breaking flowers. Ugh.
But the great part is that I'm finding all of these new little flowers! I don't know if it's all the rain we had a couple of weeks ago, or the unseasonably warm October, but check these out!
The phlox was long over, and there are new flowers! I guess I should be more diligent about cutting off the expired flowers and maybe I would have had these a lot sooner!
The morning glories had a few flowers (only planted late August), and then BOOM they went crazy! These are the small purple ones, but the sky-blue ones grew to my roof, and into my rose of sharon tree. Will the MG vine hurt the tree by wrapping? I wish I had a picture of that, but they were closed by the time I went to take a picture.
My poor little late-blooming Dahlia laying on the sidewalk (they were great all summer) - I really need to bring this inside and put it in a vase!
This was the best surprise of all - this plant is in my herb garden because it is my wonderful pineapple sage. It smells so yummy, and is wonderful in recipes. I had no idea it would be growing 4 feet tall - next year I will put in my regular garden to give the rest of my herbs a chance at those soil nutrients. But I REALLY didn't know that they would grow these really cool red flowers. This picture doesn't do it justice. It is reminiscent of bee balm, which is also technically an herb. I wonder if they are related? (I can't find anything online that says that). Bonnie plants says they will attract butterflies and hummingbirds. I've also included their picture so you can see the flowers better.
Bee balm also started to regrow, which I KNOW I should
have gotten to sooner. Does anyone know how to use Bee Balm in cooking? Ive heard of tea but I haven't tried. I know it's part of the mint family.
This is more plox - my really cool pink and white checkered variety.
Believe it or not, this is foxglove coming back. Isn't that an early to late Spring flower? I guess the plants really do think it's Spring!
And this is the last of the veggies -
which made an excellent omelet! : )
Garden on! Peace. Love. Serene.
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