It has been brought to my attention by a few people that I have been lacking in my blogging duties lately. It has been 3 months since I posted about Italy, and to be honest, I've been reveling in that! I don't have that much to write about! I'm not a huge fan of winter. But that's no excuse. There's plenty of things we can talk about! So I'M BACK! Here are a few things going through my mind lately ...
Child immunization
So there's the huge debate about child immunization. I sort of see both sides. There is something strange about PUTTING a disease into our bodies as a means to not actually get the disease. There are enough chemicals out there that maybe we shouldn't be actively be putting nasty stuff into our bodies. There's also really nasty bugs out there that modern science worked really hard to eradicate, and now some of them are coming back into play, and people are blaming the non-immunized. So is that true? What's the final answer? I just don't know. I don't have kids, so I don't have to! Ok, go ahead, respond with how ridiculous this is!
It was recently fat Tuesday, and everyone went crazy for Paczki's. These are just jelly donuts with triple the fat, butter, flour. I know there are some better flavor combinations out there, but I don't get it. I guess because I don't like jelly donuts that much, knowing that one of these would be more calories than my dinner doesn't appeal to me. I brought a 6-pack to work - you should have felt how heavy it was!
Torn MCL
Yes, I have another hockey injury. In a game a couple of weeks ago, I was hit from behind, and hit the boards as I was twisting and falling, so my feet hit the boards with bent knees. Both knees bent sideways (ewwww), one being worse than the other. I had extreme swelling but I know my body. I did some stretching and stability tests, and Im pretty sure that I have a Grade 2 MCL tear. They typically do an Xray or MRI to check for damage to the other ligaments, but Im pretty sure it's an isolated injury. All of the research online shows that they rarely do surgery, and the typical treatment is PRICE (protect, rest, ice, compression, elevation). So I didn't go to the doctor right away because I didn't want to pay for someone to tell me that. But now I have rethought that decision - it's not feeling better as well as I had expected. The swelling has subsided, but if I step even slightly turned, there is a lot of pain. I wake up every morning with serious pain, but it does go away. I will be going to my orthopedic doc this week so I will have an official diagnosis. Hopefully I'll get back to hockey for our league finals in March!
Sorry to take a serious turn, but I just have to say this: I don't get it! I am having a really hard time wrapping my head around this thing. The idea of the organization is just so terrible. Terrible people doing terrible things. The stealing, kidnapping, rape, murder. I get that. Terrible people have been around since the world began. But WHY do people want to join? WHY are there people from America and England, and countless other countries, trying to travel there to join up? It's not like there's a specific idea or religious concept that people believe in so much that they want to be a part of it. Are they not disgusted by their actions? Are they not horrified by the killing of innocent and good people? What is it that they want to accomplish? Can someone explain it to me? I must be really naive, because I just don't understand.
Is Spring here yet?
This has been a long, hard, COLD, winter! Yes, last year was probably worse, but that doesn't make it any easier. Winter is necessary for our great spring flowers, and the appreciation of the smell of rain, but can it please get here already? Im pretty sure I have a case of seasonal affective disorder -lack of energy and motivation, bored, tired ... I need sun!
Im starting seeds for spring soon ... I promise to keep you updated!
Peace. Love. Serene.